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Please try again later":"Sorry, %@ is not now available. Please try again later","Have some errors, please try again":"Have some errors, please try again","Sorry":"Sorry","Your order has been canceled":"Your order has been canceled","Reordering Completed":"Reordering Completed","We are so sorry. The system is being maintained. Please try again later":"We are so sorry. The system is being maintained. Please try again later","This is a demo version.\\nThis text will be removed from live app":"This is a demo version.\\nThis text will be removed from live app","Upgrade available":"Upgrade available","A new version has been released. Please update to use the app":"A new version has been released. Please update to use the app","Recipient Name":"Recipient Name","Are you sure to delete this gift code?":"Are you sure to delete this gift code?","Your history gift code is empty \\":"Your history gift code is empty \\","Apply Credit":"Apply Credit","Enter Gift Card credit amount":"Enter Gift Card credit amount","Enter amount of gift code":"Enter amount of gift code","Apply Gift Code":"Apply Gift Code","Enter Gift Code":"Enter Gift Code","My Reward":"My Reward","My Giftcard":"My Giftcard","Something went wrong":"Something went wrong","Welcome":"Welcome","Store Pickup":"Store Pickup","Hours":"Hours","Address & Opening":"Address & Opening","Store Detail":"Store Detail","Get your items sent to a pickup location near you.":"Get your items sent to a pickup location near you.","Location above to select a pickup location":"Location above to select a pickup location","Enter your zip code and hit Search Pickup":"Enter your zip code and hit Search Pickup","Choose pickup location":"Choose pickup location","Selected pickup location":"Selected pickup location","Please correct your password again":"Please correct your password again","View detail of your order: #":"View detail of your order: #","You have placed an order successfully":"You have placed an order successfully","You have logged out. 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Please check address again!":"No shipping method available. Please contact customer service!","Enable Filter In Stock Global":"Vis kun lagerf\u00f8rte varer","Unsubscribe from all stock alerts":"Meld av all produktvarsling","SUBCRIBE":"BLI VARSLET","Alert subscription has been saved.":"Du vil n\u00e5 motta melding n\u00e5r produktet er tilgjengelig for bestilling.","Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter":"Takk for at du meldte deg p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","Create Account":"Opprett brukerkonto","Confirm password need match for password":"Bekreft passord m\u00e5 v\u00e6re identisk til passord","ACCOUNT":"KONTO","Backorder delayed":"Bestillingsvare (forsinket)","About Your Order":"Om din bestilling","We don't have as many quantity as you requested, but we'll back order the remaining %1.":"Varen er ikke p\u00e5 lager i tilstrekkelig antall, %1 vil bli bestilt inn fra leverand\u00f8r.","Backorder Forsinket":"Bestillingsvare (forsinket)","Ship to:":"Send til:","View my recent orders":"Se mine siste bestillinger","Basket":"Handlekurv","Note! If you are a vipps user and do not have a password. You can add any text in current password field":"NB: Dersom du har benyttet Vipps til innlogging, s\u00e5 kan du bare skrive inn noe tilfeldig tekst i N\u00e5v\u00e6rende Passord feltet.","Rabatt (Egendefinert frakt)":"Rabatt","SKU":"Varekode","Shipment Information":"Forsendelsesinformasjon","Carrier":"Fraktmetode","Number":"Sporingsnummer","(*) The price must be in":"(*) Prisen m\u00e5 v\u00e6re i","Egendefinert frakt":"-","Applied":"Anvendt","City is required":"By er p\u00e5krevd","Account Number":"Kontonummer","POPULAR SUGGESTIONS":"POPUL\u00c6RE S\u00d8K","SUBSCRIBE TO BACK IN STOCK NOTIFICATION":"BLI VARSLET N\u00c5R PRODUKTET ER TILGJENGELIG","SUBSCRIBE":"OK","Alert subscription has been saved":"Du vil n\u00e5 motta melding n\u00e5r produktet er tilgjengelig for bestilling","Used KID-number":"Benytt KID-nummer","Customer is not exist":"Vi finner ingen kunder med angitt epost-adresse","RESET PASSWORD":"TILBAKESTILL PASSORD","Enter a new password for account":"Skriv inn et nytt passord","Confirm New Password":"Bekreft nytt passord","Updated new password successfully":"Nytt passord er registrert","You have no items in your wish list.":"Du har ingen varer i \u00f8nskelisten","Excl.Tax":"Eksl. mva","Incl.Tax":"Inkl. mva","Quantity Filter":"Lagerstatus","Buy %1 for":"Kj\u00f8p %1 for","Buy %1 with %2% discount each":"Kj\u00f8p %1 med %2% rabatt hver","Buy %1 for %2 each and save %3%":"Kj\u00f8p %1 for %2 hver og spar %3%","The resource requested could not be found on this server!":"\u00c5rsaken kan v\u00e6re at produktet er utsolgt hos v\u00e5re leverand\u00f8rer, og vi anbefaler deg da \u00e5 heller se etter alternative produkter. Produktet blir \u00e5 finne igjen straks det er tilgjengelig hos en av v\u00e5re leverand\u00f8rer.","Closed":"Lukket","Shipping & Handling":"Frakt","Vipps Address Entries":"ADRESSEOPPF\u00d8RINGER FRA VIPPS","work":"Arbeid","home":"Hjem","Account Information":"Kontoinformasjon","You are subscribed to our newsletter":"Du abonnerer p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","Are you sure you would like to remote this item from the shopping cart":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil fjerne denne varen fra handlekurven","There are no bundle packs yet.":"Det er ingen buntpakker enn\u00e5.","Searching for special deals? Browse the list below to find the offer you\u2019re looking for!":" Leter du etter spesialtilbud? Se v\u00e5re aktive pakketilbud i listen nedenfor.","Sample":"Sampletranslated","Save":"Lagre","SAVE":"Spar","Frakt (Shipping & Handling)":"Frakt (velges i kassen)","Customer Login":"Kunde Innlogging","You added products to your shopping cart":"Du la produktene til i handlekurven din","Contact Us":"Kontakt oss","Customer Registration":"Kunderegistrering","Unlink my account from Vipps":"Koble kontoen min fra Vipps","UPDATE ADDRESS":"OPPDATER ADRESSE","When you update you addresses in Vipps, should we update our record?":"\u00d8nsker du \u00e5 oppdatere dine kontaktopplysninger hos oss n\u00e5r disse endres i Vipps?","Update automatically":"Oppdater automatisk","Ask before update":"Sp\u00f8r f\u00f8r oppdatering","Do nothing":"Gj\u00f8r ingenting","The eassiest way to sign in. No need to worry about forgetting your username and password - all you need to login is your phone number. Vipps, and you are logged in.":"Den enkleste m\u00e5ten \u00e5 logge p\u00e5. Du trenger ikke \u00e5 bekymre deg for \u00e5 glemme brukernavnet og passordet ditt - alt du trenger for \u00e5 logge inn er telefonnummeret ditt. Vipps, og du er logget inn.","Sign in with Vipps":"Logg P\u00e5 Med Vipps","Sign in with":"Logg inn med","Continue with":"Fortsett med","Login with":"Logg inn med","Email Address:":"Epostadresse:","Create an Account ":"OPPRETT EN KONTO","You can track your order status by creating an account.":"Dersom du var innlogget eller opprettet en brukerkonto i utsjekk kan du logge inn for \u00e5 se status p\u00e5 din bestilling. Om du enn\u00e5 ikke har opprettet konto s\u00e5 kan dette gj\u00f8res n\u00e5.","PRODUCTS CONTAINING":"PRODUKTER MED","Sign Up for Our Newsletter":"Meld deg p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","Update address successful!":"Adressen ble oppdatert!","Thank you for your purchase!":"TAKK FOR BESTILLINGEN!","Invalid phone number!":"Ugyldig telefonnummer!","Create new address successful!":"Adressen ble opprettet!","Coupon code was canceled. ":"Kupongkoden ble kansellert.","Incorrect combination of user name and password.":"Feil kombinasjon av brukernavn og passord.","Bundle Packs":"Pakketilbud","Incorrect combination of user name and password":"Feil kombinasjon av brukernavn og passord","The field is required":"Dette feltet er p\u00e5krevd","Processing":"Behandles","VIEW ORDER DETAILS":"SE ORDREDETALJER","Delsum (Excl. Tax)":"Delsum (Eksl. mva)","Total sum (Excl. Tax)":"Total sum (Eksl. mva)","Total sum (Incl. Tax)":"Total sum (Inkl. mva)","Email and password is required to login!":"E-post og passord kreves for \u00e5 logge inn!","Forgot password?":"Glemt passord?","You have successfully logged in, Start shopping now":"Du har n\u00e5 logget deg inn","REGISTRATION":"REGISTRER NY BRUKER","Pick up in store":"Hent p\u00e5 lager","delsum":"Delsum","Order today, the estimated delivery time is:":"Beregnet leveringstid er:","Order item or temporarily sold out.":"Fjernlager. ","You have not set a default billing address. ":"Du har ikke angitt en standard fakturaadresse.","You have not set a default shipping address.":"Du har ikke angitt en standard leveringsadresse.","MELD MEG P\u00c5 NYHETSBREVET":"MELD P\u00c5","Add item into your wish list successfully !":"Produktet er n\u00e5 lagt til i \u00f8nskelisten din!","Add To Cart":"Kj\u00f8p n\u00e5","Back Order":"Bestill n\u00e5","Avgift":"MVA","SHOW NOW":"LES MER","ENTER YOUR EMAIL FOR YOUR EXCLUSIVE OFFER":"SKRIV INN DIN EPOST ADRESSE FOR EKSKLUSIVE TILBUD","WHY HELLO THERE, ENJOY":"VIL DU MOTTA","Bra pris!":"God pris","To":"Til","View:":"Vis:","Items %a - %b of %c":"Produkt % a - %b av %c","OUT OF STOCK":"UTSOLGT","IN STOCK":"P\u00c5 LAGER","This email address is already subscribed.":"Denne e-postadressen er allerede abonnent.","Your email address is invalid. Please enter a valid address \"'!'\"":"E-postadressen din er ugyldig. Vennligst tast inn en gyldig adresse ","Your email has been added to our list.":"Din e-postadresse er lagt til i listen v\u00e5r.Du mottar straks en bekreftelse p\u00e5 oppgitte epost-adresse. I motsatt fall, sjekk gjerne S\u00f8ppelpost og klarer oss som avsender slik at du mottar v\u00e5re nyhetsbrev med spennende nyheter og tilbud.","Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter \"'!'\"":"Takk for at du abonnerer p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev ","On Backorder":"Bestillingsvare","Ship to: ":"Send til:","Status:":"Status:","Total:":"Tot:","Date: ":"Dato:","Order Now":"Bestill n\u00e5","Last Name is required":"Etternavn er p\u00e5krevd.","Zip\/Postal Code is required.":"Postnummer er p\u00e5krevd.","Address is required.":"Adresse er p\u00e5krevd.","Last Name is required.":"Etternavn er p\u00e5krevd.","First Name is required.":"Fornavn er p\u00e5krevd.","Strong":"Sterk","Good":"Flink","Weak":"Svak","Bestselling":"Bestselger","Sides":"Sider","Enter discount code":"Angi rabattkode","Please enter coupon code":"Angi kupongkode","My Compare Products":"Mine produkter til sammenligning","My Compare Product":"Mitt produkt til sammenligning","Problem occurred.":"Et problem oppstod.","Address 2":"Adresse 2","Address 1":"Adresse 1","Size":"St\u00f8rrelse","Availability":"Tilgjengelighet","Description":"Beskrivelse","Please fill in all required fields":"Vennligst fyll ut alle obligatoriske felter","Search results for: '%s'":"S\u00f8keresultater for: '% s'","Search results for:":"S\u00f8keresultater for:","Search results for \u201c%s\u201d":"S\u00f8keresultater for \u201c%s\u201d","A last name is required.":"Et etternavn er p\u00e5krevd.","Telephone is required.":"Telefon er p\u00e5krevd.","A password must contain at least 8 characters.":"Et passord m\u00e5 inneholde minst 8 tegn.","A password must contain at least 3 of the following: lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters.":"Et passord m\u00e5 inneholde minst 3 av f\u00f8lgende: sm\u00e5 bokstaver, store bokstaver, sifre, spesialtegn.","This email address is not available.":"Denne e-postadressen er ikke tilgjengelig.","An error occurred while looking up this email address.":"Det oppstod en feil under oppslaget av denne e-postadressen.","See all %s products":"Se alle %s produkter","See More":"Se mer","Quantity is empty. Please enter quantity\"'!'\"":"Mengden er tom. Vennligst tast inn antall","Please select the options required (*)":"Velg alternativene som kreves (*)","You have submitted no reviews.":"Du har ikke sendt inn noen produktomtaler.","This product has been moved to cart":"Dette produktet er flyttet til handlekurven","This product has been removed from your wishlist":"Dette produktet er fjernet fra \u00f8nskeliste","An error occurred. Please try again.":"En feil oppstod. V\u00e6r s\u00e5 snill, pr\u00f8v p\u00e5 nytt.","Your link reset password is invalid \"'!'\"":"Passordet for tilbakestilling av kobling er ugyldig","Updated new password successfully \"'!'\"":"Oppdatert nytt passord","Passwords must match.":"Passordene m\u00e5 v\u00e6re like.","An email address is required.":"Det kreves en e-postadresse.","A valid email address is required.":"En gyldig epostadresse kreves.","A first name is required.":"Et fornavn kreves.","Address is required":"Adresse er p\u00e5krevd","Company is required":"Firma er p\u00e5krevd","Zip Code is required":"Postnummer er p\u00e5krevd","Purchase Order Number":"Innkj\u00f8psordrenummer","Order your number is #%s":"Ordrenummeret ditt er #%s","We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.":"Vi sender deg en ordrebekreftelse via e-post med informasjon og sporingsinfo.","The Cms Block doesn't exit":"Cms-blokken eksisterer ikke","This Category Page not set any":"Denne kategorisiden har ikke angitt noen","Are you sure delete address?":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 \u00e5 slette adresse?","No default billing\/shipping address selected.":"Ingen standard faktura- \/ leveringsadresse er valgt.","The product's required option(s) weren't entered. Make sure the options are entered and try again":"Produktets n\u00f8dvendige alternativ (er) ble ikke angitt. Forsikre deg om at alternativene er lagt inn, og pr\u00f8v igjen","You have been subscribed from the newsletter":"Du abonnerer n\u00e5 p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","You have been unsubscribed from the newsletter":"Du har blitt avmeldt nyhetsbrevet","An error occurred while making the transaction. Please try again.":"Det oppstod en feil under transaksjonen. V\u00e6r s\u00e5 snill, pr\u00f8v p\u00e5 nytt.","Are you sure?":"Er du sikker?","My cart":"Min handlekurv","Please choose a billing address":"Velg fakturaadresse","State is required":"Det kreves stat","The account sign-in was incorrect or your account is disabled temporarily. Please wait and try again later.":"P\u00e5loggingen av kontoen var feil, eller kontoen din er deaktivert midlertidig. Vennligst vent og pr\u00f8v igjen senere.","Email and password is required to login\"'!'\"":"E-post og passord kreves for \u00e5 logge inn","Email is required":"E-post er p\u00e5krevd","Email is invalid format":"E-postadressen er ugyldig","You already have an account with us. Sign in or continue as guest":"Du har allerede en konto hos oss. Logg p\u00e5 eller fortsett som gjest","Telephone is required":"Telefon er p\u00e5krevd","First Name is required":"Fornavn kreves","Total reviews: High to Low":"Totalt omtaler: H\u00f8y til lav","Language":"Spr\u00e5k","Read more":"Les mer","Empty news post":"Tomt nyhetsinnlegg","Brands":"Merker","Not found brands":"Fant ikke merker","You may like":"Kampanjevarer","Estimate Shipping and Tax":"Beregn frakt og skatt","Please select a region, state or province.":"Velg en region, stat eller provins.","Data Fetch Error":"Feil i datahenting","Showing %s results for":"Viser %s resultater for","No reviews":"Ingen produktomtaler","Relevance":"Relevans","Title: A-Z":"Tittel: A-Z","Price: Low to High":"Pris: Lav til h\u00f8y","Price: High to Low":"Pris: H\u00f8y til lav","Rating: Low to High":"Rangering: Lav til h\u00f8y","Rating: High to Low":"Rangering: H\u00f8y til lav","Total reviews: Low to High":"Totalt omtaler: Lav til h\u00f8y","There are no products matching the selection":"Det finnes ingen produkter som svarer til valgene","Load More":"Last mer","Clear all":"T\u00f8m filter","low to high":"lav til h\u00f8y","high to low":"h\u00f8yt til lavt","Remove item from wishlist successfully \"'!'\"":"Varen er n\u00e5 fjernet fra \u00f8nskelisten","Excl. Tax":"Ekskl. mva","Incl. Tax":"Inkl. mva","Showing %k of %t items":"Viser %k av %t produkter","Showing %k of %t item":"Viser %k av %t vare","Filter":"Filter","Sort":"Sortere","The requested qty is not available":"Den forespurte mengden er ikke tilgjengelig","You must login or register to add items to your wishlist.":"Du m\u00e5 logge inn eller opprette kundekonto for \u00e5 legge til produktet i \u00f8nskelisten.","Add item into your wish list successfully":"Produktet er n\u00e5 lagt til i \u00f8nskelisten din","No Products Found\"'!'\"":"Ingen produkter funnet","back":"tilbake","Remove item successfully \"'!'\"":"Fjern varen","Search results":"S\u00f8keresultater","Coupon Code":"Kupongkode","shopping cart ":"handlekurv","Date:":"Dato:","Order: #":"Ordre: #","Change email":"Endre e-post","Product Reviews":"Produktomtaler","Wishlist":"\u00f8nskeliste","Login":"Logg Inn","Register":"Registrere","SHOP BY CATEGORIES":"HANDLE ETTER KATEGORIER","Please enter your email ":"Skriv inn din e-post","Select Shipping":"Velg frakt","enter your email ":"Skriv inn din e-post","Discount ":"Rabatt","Add a coupon code":"Legg til en kupongkode","YOUR CART IS EMPTY":"HANDLEKURVEN DIN ER TOM","No results were found.":"Ingen resultater ble funnet.","Available as order":"Bestillingsvare [fjernlager]"," items in cart":" vare(r) i handlekurven","Billing Information":"Fakturainformasjon","Save in address book.":"Lagre i adresseboken.","Address ":"Adresse","Empty Basket":"T\u00f8m handlekurv","VIEW CART":"SE HANDLEKURV","GO TO CHECKOUT":"G\u00c5 TIL BETALING","Subtotal:":"Totalsum:","Logout":"Logg ut","Newsletter Subscription ":"Nyhetsbrev abonnement","Order ":"Ordre","Subtotal: ":"Totalsum:","Grand Total: ":"Total sum:","Order Information":"BESTILLINGSINFORMASJON","My Product Reviews":"Mine produktomtaler","Default Addresses":"Standardadresser","Additional Address Entries":"Ytterligere adresseoppf\u00f8ringer","Edit Account Information":"Rediger kontoinformasjon","Add New Address":"Legg til ny adresse","Zip\/Postal Code":"Postnummer","Use as my default billing address":"Bruk som fakturaadresse","Use as my shipping address":"Bruk som leveringsadresse","Telephone":"Telefon","LOG IN":"LOGG INN","Account Overview":"Kontooversikt","My Recent Orders":"Mine siste bestillinger","View order":"Se bestilling","Manage addresses":"Administrer adresser","You are not subscribed to our newsletter":"Du abonnerer ikke p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","Default Billing Address":"Standard Fakturaadresse","Default Shipping Address":"Standard Leveringsadresse","Enter the email addresses you use for My Account to reset your password":"Skriv inn e-postadressene du benytter p\u00e5 din kundekonto for \u00e5 tilbakestille passordet ditt","Send":"Sende","Personal Information":"Personlig informasjon","Sign-in Information":"P\u00e5loggingsinformasjon","Enter an email":"Skriv inn en e-post","Faster checkout":"Raskere kasse","Check status, tracking info and more on your orders":"Sjekk status, sporingsinfo og mer p\u00e5 ordrene dine","Save multiple delivery addresses":"Lagre flere leveringsadresser","Registered User":"Registrert bruker","If you are already registered, please log in.":"Hvis du allerede er registrert, vennligst logg inn.","Email Address":"Epostadresse","Forgot your password?":"Glemt passordet?","New User":"Ny bruker","Register now and make the most of My Account.":"Registrer deg n\u00e5 og f\u00e5 mest mulig ut av din konto.","Sort by ":"Sorter etter","Value":"Verdi","Quality":"Kvalitet","Price":"Pris","100% Stisfied":"100% forn\u00f8yd","Notify me when the product is back in stock":"Gi meg beskjed n\u00e5r produktet er tilbake p\u00e5 lager","- or contact me for more info on delivery time.":"- eller kontakt oss for mer info om leveringstid.","Submit a review":"Send inn en produktomtale","Your name":"Navnet ditt","Summary":"Sammendrag","HOW DO YOU RATE THIS PRODUCT? *":"HVORDAN VURDERER DU DETTE PRODUKTET? *","BEST SELLERS":"BESTSELGERE","Available in stock":"Tilgjengelig p\u00e5 lager","Search by name or product, code here":"S\u00f8k p\u00e5 navn eller varekode her ","Sign up for our newsletter and receive news and best deals.":"Meld deg p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev og motta nyheter og de beste tilbudene.","SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER":"Abonner p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","Edit":"Redigere","Done":"Ferdig","Cancel":"Avbryt","Back":"Tilbake","Close":"Lukk","Show":"Vise fram","None":"Ingen","required":"p\u00e5krevd","Loading":"Laster","SUCCESS":"SUKSESS","OK":"OK","Don't Accept":"Ikke godta","Accept":"Aksepterer","Error":"Feil","FAIL":"FAIL","Request Failed":"Foresp\u00f8rsel feilet","Network Error":"Nettverksfeil","Invalid":"Ugyldig","Some errors occurred. Please try again later":"Feil oppstod. Pr\u00f8v igjen senere","The Internet connection appears to be offline":"De vises Internett-tilkobling for \u00e5 v\u00e6re frakoblet","The request timed out":"Foresp\u00f8rselen ble tidsavbrutt","A connection failure occurred":"En forbindelse feil har oppst\u00e5tt","Out of stock":"Utsolgt","In Stock":"P\u00e5 lager","Search":"S\u00f8ke","Apply":"Bruk","NO":"NEI","All products":"Alle produkter","Category":"Kategori","Review":"Produktomtale","Add Review":"Legg til en produktomtale","Submit Review":"Send omtale","What is your nickname":"Hva er kallenavnet ditt","Summary of your review":"Oppsummering av din produktomtale","Let us know your thought":"La oss f\u00e5 vite dine tanker","HOW DO YOU RATE THIS PRODUCT":"Hvordan vet du dette produktet","Customer Reviews":"Kundeomtale","all categories":"Alle Kategorier","View all":"Se alt","Product":"Produkt","Enter text in here":"Skriv inn tekst her","Option":"Alternativ","More":"Mer","Price detail":"Pris detalj","Minimize":"Minimer","Activated":"Aktivert","Select a filter":"Velg et filter","Clear All":"Slett alt","Related Products":"Relaterte produkter","Select":"Plukke ut","Tech Specs":"Tekniske spesifikasjoner","Be the first to review this product":"Bli den f\u00f8rste som omtaler dette produktet","Basic Info":"Grunnleggende informasjon","Refine":"Raffinere","Sort By":"Sorter etter","\/*-------Cart------*\/":"\/ * ------- Handlekurv ------ * \/","Quantity":"Antall","Checkout as existing customer":"Sjekk ut som eksisterende kunde","Checkout as new customer":"Sjekk ut som ny kunde","Checkout as guest":"Sjekk ut som gjest","Enter a coupon code":"Skriv inn en kupongkode","Are you sure you want to delete this product?":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil slette dette produktet?","YES":"JA","CHECKOUT":"UTSJEKK","You have no items in your shopping cart":"Du har ingen varer i handlekurven","Account":"Konto","Profile":"Profil","Address Book":"Adressebok","Order History":"Ordrehistorikk","Sign Out":"Logg ut","Sign In":"Logg inn","Add an address":"Legg til en adresse","Do you want to delete the address":"\u00d8nsker du \u00e5 slette adressen","Or choose an address for editing":"Eller velg en adresse for redigering","Or choose an address":"Eller velg en adresse","Forgot Password":"Glemt passord","Enter Your Email":"Skriv inn din email","Email":"e-post","Reset my password":"Tilbakestill passordet mitt","Your password":"Ditt passord","Your account":"Kontoen din","Remember me":"Husk meg","Create an account":"Opprett en konto","New Address":"Ny adresse","Prefix":"prefix","Suffix":"Suffiks","Gender":"Kj\u00f8nn","Tax\/VAT number":"Skatt \/ MVA-nummer","Date of Birth":"F\u00f8dselsdato","First Name":"Fornavn","Last Name":"Etternavn","Middle Name":"Mellomnavn","Company":"Firma (valgfritt)","Fax":"Faks","Street":"Gate","City":"Poststed","State":"Stat","Post\/Zip Code":"Post \/ postnummer","Country":"Land","Phone":"telefon","VAT Number":"MVA nummer","Password":"Passord","Confirm Password":"Bekreft passord","Edit Address":"Edit Adresse","Female":"Kvinne","Male":"Mann","Current Password":"N\u00e5v\u00e6rende passord","New Password":"Nytt passord","Please enter 6 or more characters":"Fyll inn 6 eller flere tegn","Password and Confirm password don't match":"Passord og Bekreft passord stemmer ikke overens","Check your email and try again":"Sjekk e-posten din og pr\u00f8v p\u00e5 nytt","Please select all (*) fields":"Velg alle (*) felt","Coupon code":"Kupongkode","Order Date":"Bestillingsdato","Order #":"Ordre #","Order Total":"Bestill Total","Items":"elementer","Fee Detail":"Fee Detalj","Reorder":"Bestill igjen","Ship To":"Send til","Payment":"Betaling","You have placed no orders":"Du har ingen registrerte bestillinger","Date":"Dato","Status":"Status","\/*-------Leftmenu------*\/":"\/ * ------- Leftmenu ------ * \/","Home":"Hjem","Notification History":"Tidligere varsler","Setting":"Innstilling","Menu":"Meny","Welcome %@ %@ Start shopping now":"Velkommen% @% @ Begynn \u00e5 handle n\u00e5","You have logged out Thank you":"Du har logget ut, takk","There are no notifications in history":"Det er ingen tidligere varsler","Currency":"Valuta","Store":"Butikk","\/*-------OrderReview------*\/":"\/ * ------- OrderReview ------ * \/","Confirmation":"Bekreftelse","Are you sure that you want to cancel the order":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil kansellere bestillingen","Your order is cancelled":"Bestillingen er kansellert","Thank You Page":"Takk","Continue Shopping":"Fortsette \u00e5 handle","Thank you for your purchase":"Takk for bestillingen","View detail of your order":"Se ordredetaljer","Name On Card":"Navn p\u00e5 kort","CVV":"CVV","Card Type":"Kort type","Card Number":"Kortnummer","Expired Date":"Utl\u00f8psdato","There is no available shipping method":"Det er ingen tilgjengelige leveringsmetode","PLACE ORDER":"LEGG INN BESTILLING","Billing Address":"Fakturaadresse","Shipping Address":"Leveringsadresse","Shipment Details":"Forsendelse detaljer","Shipping Method":"Forsendelsesmetode","Please agree to all the terms and conditions before placing the order":"Vennligst godtar alle vilk\u00e5r og betingelser f\u00f8r du bestiller","Please choose a shipping method and payment methods":"Velg leveringsmetode og betalingsm\u00e5te","Please choose a shipping method":"Velg en leveringsmetode","Please choose a payment method":"Velg en betalingsm\u00e5te","\/*-------SimiCart Base------*\/":"\/ * ------- SimiCart Base ------ * \/","Tax":"MVA","Subtotal":"Delsum","Shipping":"Frakt","Grand Total":"Total sum","Discount":"Rabatt","\/*-------Plugins------*\/":"\/ * ------- Plugins ------ * \/","My Wishlist":"Min \u00f8nskeliste","Share Wishlist":"Del \u00f8nskeliste","Your wishlist is empty":"Din \u00f8nskeliste er tom","km":"km","Call":"Anrop","Map":"Kart","Warning":"Advarsel","Call facility is not available\\":"Call anlegget er ikke tilgjengelig ","Get Directions":"F\u00e5 veibeskrivelse","Show less":"Vis mindre","Show more":"Vis mer","Opening Hours":"\u00c5pningstider","Monday":"Mandag","Open":"\u00c5pen","Tuesday":"Tirsdag","Wednesday":"Onsdag","Thursday":"Torsdag","Friday":"Fredag","Saturday":"L\u00f8rdag","Sunday":"S\u00f8ndag","Specials Day":"Spesielle dager","Holidays":"Helligdager","Content":"Vurdering","No Email Account":"Ingen e-postkonto","Open Settings app to set up an email account":"\u00c5pne Innstillinger i App'en for \u00e5 sette opp en e-postkonto","Search Store":"S\u00f8k etter butikk","Search By Area":"S\u00f8k etter omr\u00e5de","Clear":"Klar","Zip Code":"Postnummer","All":"Alle","No store match with your searching":"Ingen treff i butikken p\u00e5 ditt s\u00f8k","Store List":"Butikkoversikt","Map View":"Kartvisning","Store List Detail":"Detaljert butikkoversikt","Store Locator":"Finn butikk","Live Chat":"Live chat","Video":"Video","Scan Now":"Skann n\u00e5","This app does not have permission to use the camera":"Dette programmet har ikke tillatelse til \u00e5 bruke kameraet","This device does not have a camera":"Denne enheten har ikke et kamera","An unknown error occurred":"En ukjent feil oppstod","Scanning Unavailable":"skanning utilgjengelig","Scanning Error":"skanning Feil","Unable to detect valid code":"Kan ikke finne gyldig kode","No product matching code":"Ingen produkter samsvarer kode","Say something to looking for...":"Fortell hva du leter etter ...","Tap to try again":"Trykk for \u00e5 pr\u00f8ve p\u00e5 nytt","We didn't quite get that":"Dette skj\u00f8nte vi ikke...","PayU Indian":"PayU indiske","PayU":"PayU","Address Confirmation":"adresse bekreftelse","Confirm Address":"Bekreft adresse","Invoice":"Faktura","Rewards History":"Bel\u00f8nningshistorikk","You currently have no activity":"Du har for \u00f8yeblikket ingen aktivitet","Expire on:":"Utl\u00f8per:","Spending":"utgifter","My Rewards":"Mine bel\u00f8nninger","Spend my Points":"Bruk mine poeng","Please login before using points to spend":"Vennligst logg inn for \u00e5 bruke poeng","You will earn":"Du vil tjene","You will spend":"Du vil bruke","Each of %@ gets %@ discount":"Hver av% @ f\u00e5r% @ rabatt","You need to earn more %@ to use this rule":"Du m\u00e5 tjene mer% @ \u00e5 bruke denne regelen","Email Subscriptions":"E-post Abonnement","Subscribe to receive updates on your point balance":"Abonner for \u00e5 motta oppdateringer av ditt synspunkt balanse","Point Balance Update":"Point Balance Update","Subscribe to receive notifications of expiring points in advance":"Abonner for \u00e5 motta meldinger om utl\u00f8per punkter p\u00e5 forh\u00e5nd","Expired Point Transaction":"Utl\u00f8pt Point Transaction","Our policies":"v\u00e5re retningslinjer","Login or Signup":"Logg inn eller Registrer","AVAILABLE POINTS":"TILGJENGELIG POENG","Only %@ until %@":"Kun% @ f\u00f8r% @","Only %@ until redeemable":"Kun% @ inntil innl\u00f8ses","Equal %@ to redeem":"Lik% @ \u00e5 innl\u00f8se","You have %@ that are pending for approval":"Du har% @ som venter p\u00e5 godkjenning","Klarna":"Klarna","Ipay88":"Ipay88","You haven\u2019t setup email account":"Du har ikke lagt inn e-postkonto","You must go to Settings\/ Mail, Contact, Calendars and choose Add Account":"Du m\u00e5 g\u00e5 til Innstillinger \/ Mail, Kontakt, kalendere og velger Legg til konto","Select Phone":"Velg Telefon","Select phone number":"Velg telefonnummer","CCAvenue":"CCAvenue","Please press and hold to select the address you want to fill":"Vennligst trykk og hold for \u00e5 velge adressen du vil fylle","2Checkout":"2Checkout","The provided authorization was invalid":"Den gitt autorisasjon var ugyldig","Sorry, %@ is not now available. Please try again later":"Beklager,% @ er ikke n\u00e5 tilgjengelig. Pr\u00f8v igjen senere","Have some errors, please try again":"Har noen feil, pr\u00f8v igjen","Sorry":"Beklager","Your order has been canceled":"Bestillingen er kansellert","Reordering Completed":"Gjenbestilling er fullf\u00f8rt","We are so sorry. The system is being maintained. Please try again later":"Beklager, systemet oppdateres. Pr\u00f8v igjen senere","This is a demo version.\\nThis text will be removed from live app":"Dette er en demoversjon. \\ NDette teksten vil bli fjernet i produksjon","Upgrade available":"Oppgradering tilgjengelig","A new version has been released. Please update to use the app":"En ny versjon er tilgjengelig. Vennligst oppdater for \u00e5 bruke app","Recipient Name":"Mottakers navn","Are you sure to delete this gift code?":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil slette denne kupongkoden?","Your history gift code is empty \\":"Du har ingen tidligere kupongkoder","Apply Credit":"Bruk kreditt","Enter Gift Card credit amount":"Skriv inn gavekort kredittbel\u00f8pet","Enter amount of gift code":"Skriv inn bel\u00f8p p\u00e5 kupongkoden","Apply Gift Code":"Bruk kupongkode","Enter Gift Code":"Skriv inn kupongkode","My Reward":"Min bel\u00f8nning","My Giftcard":"Mitt gavekort","Something went wrong":"Noe gikk galt","Welcome":"Velkommen","Store Pickup":"butikken Pickup","Hours":"timer","Address & Opening":"Address & \u00c5pning","Store Detail":"butikkdetaljer","Get your items sent to a pickup location near you.":"F\u00e5 sendinger til en pickup sted n\u00e6r deg.","Location above to select a pickup location":"Sted over for \u00e5 velge en pickup plassering","Enter your zip code and hit Search Pickup":"Skriv inn ditt postnummer og trykke s\u00f8k Pickup","Choose pickup location":"Velg pickup plassering","Selected pickup location":"Valgt pickup plassering","Please correct your password again":"Korriger passordet p\u00e5 nytt","View detail of your order: #":"Se detaljer for bestillingen: #","You have placed an order successfully":"Du har lagt inn en bestilling vellykket","You have logged out. Thank you":"Du har logget ut. Takk skal du ha","Invalid Email":"Ugyldig epost","Message":"Budskap","Website":"nettsted","Say something to looking for":"Si noe \u00e5 leter etter","Complete":"Fullstendig","Canceled":"avbrutt","Pending":"I Venter","Settings":"innstillinger","How you can earn points":"Hvordan du kan tjene poeng","How you can spend points":"Hvordan du kan bruke punkter","Earn points for purchasing order":"Tjen poeng for innkj\u00f8p ordre","Points":"Poeng","Regular Price":"Vanlig pris","Special Price":"Spesialpris","Reset All":"Tilbakestill alt","Products":"Produkter","You could receive some Points for purchasing this product":"Du kan f\u00e5 noen poeng for \u00e5 kj\u00f8pe dette produktet","was added to your shopping cart":"ble lagt til i handlekurven","Payment Method":"Betalingsmetode","Terms and Conditions":"Vilk\u00e5r og betingelser","Categories":"kategorier","Download app":"Last ned app","Sign in":"Logg inn","Cart":"handlekurven","Create an Account":"Opprett en konto","Search Your Product":"S\u00f8k Produkt","Hotline":"Hotline","Send your comment":"Send inn din kommentar","Write us a note and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.":"Skriv oss en melding og vi vil komme tilbake til deg s\u00e5 raskt som mulig.","Name":"Navn","Phone number":"Telefonnummer","Your message":"Din beskjed","Submit":"Sende inn","Sort by":"Sorter etter","Position":"Posisjon","per page":"per side","Buy Now":"Kj\u00f8p n\u00e5","Please choose country":"Velg land","State\/Province (*)":"Stat \/ provins (*)","Please choose state":"Vennligst velg stat","My Gift Card":"Min gavekort","View History":"Vis historikk","Add\/Redeem a Gift Card":"Legg til \/ L\u00f8s inn et gavekort","Your balance history is empty \\":"Saldo historie er tom","Balance History":"Saldo historie","Add\/Redeem a Gift Code":"Legg til \/ L\u00f8s inn en gave kode","Enter a gift card code":"Skriv inn et gavekort kode","Redeem Gift Code":"L\u00f8s inn gave kode","Add To My List":"Legg til min liste","Your gift code is empty \\":"Din gave kode er tom","Please choose":"Vennligst velg","Products filter":"produkter filter","This product is currently out of stock":"Dette produktet er midlertidig utsolgt","Delete wishlist item":"Fjern produktet fra \u00f8nskelisten","No connection":"Ingen forbindelse","You online now":"Du er online n\u00e5","This product added to cart":"Dette produktet lagt i handlekurven","This wishlist item has been removed from your wishlist":"Dette produktet er fjernet fra \u00f8nskelisten","Sharing my wishlist":"Del min \u00f8nskeliste","Your browser does not support sharing. Please update to the latest version":"Nettleseren din tillater ikke deling. Oppdater til den nyeste versjonen","Welcome %@ Start shopping now":"Velkommen% @ begynne \u00e5 handle n\u00e5","Add new adress":"Legg til ny adresse","Review & Payments":"Gjennomgang og betalinger","ITEMS IN CART":"Produkter i handlekurven","Manager Addresses":"manager Adresser","You don't subscribe to our newsletter":"Du trenger ikke abonnere p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev","My billing and shipping address are the same":"Min faktura- og leveringsadresse er den samme","I agree to the":"Jeg er enig i","In stock":"P\u00e5 lager","Details":"detaljer","More Information":"Mer informasjon","Reviews":"Produktomtaler","Add Your Review":"Legg til omtale","Your rating":"Din rangering","Nickname":"kallenavn","Title":"-","Detail":"Detalj","You're reviewing:":"Du skriver omtaler p\u00e5:","Write us a note and we\u2019ll get back to you as quickly as possible.":"Skriv oss en melding og vi vil komme tilbake til deg s\u00e5 raskt som mulig.","All Products":"Alle produkter","Your order number is:":"Din varenummer er:","We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info":"Vi vil sende deg en ordrebekreftelse med informasjon og sporingsinfo","FEATURED PRODUCTS":"Utvalgte produkter","PROCEED TO CHECKOUT":"FORTSETT TIL UTSJEKK","Checkout":"Sjekk ut","1 item in cart":"En artikkel i handlekurven","Order summary":"Bestillingssammendrag","Next":"neste","Apply discount code":"Bruk rabattkode","SHOPPING CART":"HANDLEKURV","State\/Province":"Stat \/ Provins","Please choose a shipping address":"Velg en leveringsadresse","Free":"Gratis","Fixed":"fast","Flat Rate":"flat Rate","Free - Free Shipping":"Free - Gratis levering","Address":"Adresse","My Account":"Min konto","Buy now":"Kj\u00f8p n\u00e5","MY DASHBOARD":"MITT SKRIVEBORD","Recent Orders":"Nylige ordre","List is empty":"Listen er tom","Contact Information":"Kontaktinformasjon","Newsletter":"Nyhetsbrev","You don't subscribe to our newsletter.":"Du abonnerer ikke p\u00e5 v\u00e5rt nyhetsbrev.","Change password":"Bytt passord","You have no item in your address book":"Du har ingen oppf\u00f8ringer i adresseboken din","My Orders":"Mine bestillinger","Account Dashboard":"konto~~POS=TRUNC","My Downloadable Products":"Mine nedlastbare produkter","Log out":"Logg ut","Product was removed to your wishlist":"Produktet ble fjernet i handlekurv","Product was added to your wishlist":"Produktet ble lagt inn i din \u00f8nskeliste","Move to Wishlist":"Flytt til \u00f8nskelisten","TOTAL":"TOTAL","ARTICLES":"ARTIKLER","Are you sure you want to delete this product":"Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil slette dette produktet","Item has been moved to Wishlist":"Produktet har blitt flyttet til \u00f8nskelisten","Gift code has been deleted successfully":"Gift koden er blitt slettet","Proceed to Checkout":"Fortsett til utsjekking","Wishlish":"Wishlish","App Logo":"App Logo","Image type invalid":"Bildetype ugyldig","Or upload your photo":"Eller laste opp bildet ditt","Upload":"Laste opp","This field is required":"Dette feltet er obligatorisk","Select a template":"Velg en mal","Choose an images":"Velg en bilder","Scheduled Sending Date":"Planlagt Sende Dato","Select a time zone":"Velg en tidssone","Sender Name":"Avsenders navn","Recipent Name":"recipent Name","Please choose a country":"Velg land","Get notification email when your friend receives Gift Card":"F\u00e5 e-postmelding n\u00e5r din bekjent mottar gavekort","You will need to find in your friend's address as the shipping address on checkout page.We will send this Gift Card to that address":"Du trenger \u00e5 finne i din venns adresse som leveringsadresse p\u00e5 kassa page.We vil sende denne gavekort til denne adressen","Send to friend via post office":"Tips en venn via postkontor","Send to friend via email":"Tips en venn p\u00e5 e-post","Please choose a state":"Velg en stat","Select Gift Card value":"Velg gavekort verdi","GIFT CODE INFORMATION":"GIFT KODE INFORMASJON","Please enter a Gift Code":"Vennligst oppgi en gave kode","Add\/Redeem Gift Code":"Legg til \/ L\u00f8s inn gave kode","Choose a selection":"Velg et utvalg","Select date":"Velg dato","Select time":"Velg tid","Maximum number of characters:":"Maksimalt antall tegn:","Customize & Add to Cart":"Tilpass & I handlekurven","Customize":"Tilpass","Back to product details":"Tilbake til produktdetaljer","Your Customization":"din Customization","Qty":"Antall","Order":"Ordre nummer","Order status":"Ordre status","Remaining Download":"Gjenv\u00e6rende v\u00e6rende~~POS=HEADCOMP Last ned","404 error":"404 feil","Page not found":"Produktet er midlertidig fjernet fra katalogen","Back to Home":"Tilbake til Hjem","From":"Fra","Subtotal (Excl. 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Mva)","Check Gift Code":"Sjekk Gift kode","Gift Card Products":"Gavekort Produkter","Recipent Email":"recipent post","Email to Friend":"Send e-post til venn","Redeem":"L\u00f8s inn","Remove":"Ta bort","Send To Friend":"Send til venn","Check":"Kryss av","Address fields was automatically filled\\":"Adressefelt ble automatisk fylt","Touch the map until you get your desired address":"Trykk p\u00e5 kartet til du f\u00e5r \u00f8nsket adresse","Distance":"Avstand","Your reward point history is empty \\":"Din bel\u00f8nning poeng historie er tom","Please fill in your Code field\\":"Vennligst fyll inn din kode feltet","Enter barcode value":"Skriv inn strekkode verdi","No Code Found\\":"Ingen kode funnet","Enter QRcode value":"Skriv inn QRCode verdi","Reward Point History":"Bel\u00f8nn Point History","The store list is empty":"Butikken er tom","Search by area":"S\u00f8k etter omr\u00e5de","Shop by":"handle etter","Confirm":"Bekrefte","Product Name":"Produktnavn","Search results for ":"S\u00f8keresultater for","Add a New Address":"Legg til en ny adresse","Please select a billing address":"Velg en fakturaadresse","Update":"Oppdater","Only registered users can write reviews":"Kun registrerte brukere kan skrive produktomtaler","Please login first\\":"Vennligst Logg inn f\u00f8rst","Please specify product option(s).":"Vennligst oppgi produkt alternativ (er).","Subscription option":"abonnement alternativ","General Subscription":"Generelt abonnement","Newsletter Subscriptions":"Nyhetsbrev Abonnement","NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION":"NYHETSBREV ABONNEMENT"}},"currency_rate":{"success":true,"timestamp":1631262543,"base":"EUR","date":"2021-09-10","rates":{"AED":4.352678,"AFN":100.371708,"ALL":121.998801,"AMD":584.431011,"ANG":2.127652,"AOA":743.667709,"ARS":116.105195,"AUD":1.600857,"AWG":2.133683,"AZN":2.010388,"BAM":1.959394,"BBD":2.393272,"BDT":100.990628,"BGN":1.957994,"BHD":0.446743,"BIF":2353.460722,"BMD":1.18505,"BND":1.592884,"BOB":8.184717,"BRL":6.160367,"BSD":1.185356,"BTC":2.5648194e-5,"BTN":87.170309,"BWP":12.954662,"BYN":2.985555,"BYR":23226.986915,"BZD":2.389346,"CAD":1.494212,"CDF":2366.545342,"CHF":1.084736,"CLF":0.034074,"CLP":940.213337,"CNY":7.633389,"COP":4554.978041,"CRC":739.965839,"CUC":1.18505,"CUP":31.403834,"CVE":110.463112,"CZK":25.340404,"DJF":210.607386,"DKK":7.436724,"DOP":67.36295,"DZD":161.341103,"EGP":18.612758,"ERN":17.781459,"ETB":54.698161,"EUR":1,"FJD":2.456136,"FKP":0.856321,"GBP":0.853692,"GEL":3.696637,"GGP":0.856321,"GHS":7.076291,"GIP":0.856321,"GMD":60.651222,"GNF":11595.896898,"GTQ":9.176312,"GYD":247.768547,"HKD":9.214828,"HNL":28.507609,"HRK":7.488922,"HTG":118.086778,"HUF":351.195594,"IDR":16819.95293,"ILS":3.790289,"IMP":0.856321,"INR":87.020322,"IQD":1730.592974,"IRR":49997.274025,"ISK":150.821628,"JEP":0.856321,"JMD":178.36891,"JOD":0.840245,"JPY":130.197334,"KES":130.177256,"KGS":100.48345,"KHR":4834.952944,"KMF":496.536367,"KPW":1066.545517,"KRW":1381.999784,"KWD":0.356155,"KYD":0.987788,"KZT":505.485104,"LAK":11360.266028,"LBP":1792.244585,"LKR":236.770837,"LRD":203.651174,"LSL":17.68152,"LTL":3.499146,"LVL":0.716825,"LYD":5.354804,"MAD":10.597005,"MDL":20.743002,"MGA":4649.437864,"MKD":61.746583,"MMK":1951.062902,"MNT":3378.461405,"MOP":9.495089,"MRO":423.062772,"MUR":50.132842,"MVR":18.309259,"MWK":963.089399,"MXN":23.569225,"MYR":4.896037,"MZN":75.576628,"NAD":17.681205,"NGN":487.532121,"NIO":41.623705,"NOK":10.22372,"NPR":139.472494,"NZD":1.657714,"OMR":0.456246,"PAB":1.185356,"PEN":4.856392,"PGK":4.161424,"PHP":59.05698,"PKR":199.136406,"PLN":4.550416,"PYG":8196.037675,"QAR":4.314741,"RON":4.944504,"RSD":117.791255,"RUB":86.236619,"RWF":1196.977045,"SAR":4.444896,"SBD":9.549213,"SCR":15.276903,"SDG":525.5647,"SEK":10.195011,"SGD":1.586202,"SHP":1.63229,"SLL":12235.644789,"SOS":693.254064,"SRD":25.335163,"STD":24528.149696,"SVC":10.371864,"SYP":1490.288479,"SZL":16.7697,"THB":38.668359,"TJS":13.435596,"TMT":4.159527,"TND":3.305701,"TOP":2.662216,"TRY":9.971731,"TTD":8.053379,"TWD":32.715088,"TZS":2748.131843,"UAH":31.662786,"UGX":4184.239619,"USD":1.18505,"UYU":50.501425,"UZS":12662.559927,"VEF":253399580418.7883,"VND":26969.375929,"VUV":131.406591,"WST":3.034634,"XAF":657.066121,"XAG":0.04885,"XAU":0.000657,"XCD":3.202658,"XDR":0.832706,"XOF":657.141108,"XPF":120.732743,"YER":297.270229,"ZAR":16.70915,"ZMK":10666.851182,"ZMW":19.190379,"ZWL":381.58573}}}]};